Dr Diplakshmi

Past Life Regression

According to Hindu mythology, we have lived numerous lives, but our soul remains
the same. Our Earth is like a school, and we are here to experience emotions. Every birth,
we learn and unlearn various life programs(karma). When we are born, we already carry
the karma of our past lives. Like in our school life, we need to pass a certain standard to
move to the next higher one. Likewise, in real life, we need to balance our karma to move
to the next upgraded stage. We will continue to reincarnate until we have balanced all our
karma and reached a state of pure love.
We have come across many books and movies that have depicted this
phenomenon. Some people tend to remember details of their past lives like their names,
family details, where they lived and possible causes of death vividly, especially at a young
age. As they grow older, these memories might fade away, but they remain in our
subconscious minds. Those traumas from previous lives may unknowingly impair their
sense of well-being in this life.
Dr Diplakshmi uses hypnosis to recover and heal memories of past lives or
incarnations pertaining to a specific issue or an event and brings them to closure. Then she
focuses on the event in the current life that triggered the past life and heals it.

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