Dr Diplakshmi


Physical Ailments

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Every thought that we have invokes a feeling. Our emotions are the physical representation of these feelings. Every thought is stored as emotions in cells as cellular memory. Our brain generates approximately 70,000 thoughts per day. The number of positive and negative thoughts we have on any given day is determined by how we feel and our overall mental health. We easily accept and process positive thoughts, but we have difficulties accepting negative thoughts as we haven’t been taught to do that since childhood. We have been taught crying is for the weak, jealousy and anger are bad, and so on. The accumulation of these unprocessed negative thoughts and emotions in excess manifests into an illness.
Every organ tells a story. Different emotions get stored in different body parts. Anger is stored in one part, sadness in the other. These blocks hamper the normal functioning of the organ. For example, unhealthy boundaries can lead to skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, and even something as common as acne. Someone with diabetes might have some bitterness in life or have control issues. The doctor had a patient who had been detected with borderline diabetes. He realized he had shoved his personal and financial stresses under the carpet, leading to this disease. Once he started acknowledging his emotions, his medicine intake stopped, and he was cured of diabetes. We, as human beings, have bifurcated our emotions into positive and negative. All emotions need to be embraced. Once we learn to do so, our minds automatically change our thought patterns, leading to a healthy and happy life.

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