Dr Diplakshmi

Healing Abuse


Ghosting, possessiveness, manipulation, etc. are terms casually thrown into our
conversations these days. Let’s understand them better today. Until recently, only physical
and sexual abuse were considered horrific experiences. Additionally, we all need to know
that the effects of psychological, emotional, digital, domestic, spiritual, and financial
abuses might not be visible, but they create an equally deep mental wound.
Something as simple as actions not matching words is called manipulation, and
refusing to be held accountable for it is called gaslighting. Victims of gaslighting often end
up questioning their perception of reality. Ending all communications and contact with a
person without a warning or justification is called ghosting. Both ghosting and gaslighting
are examples of psychological or mental abuse. Self-harming when someone doesn’t
comply with their demands and screaming at someone publicly or privately are forms of
emotional or verbal abuse. Restricting one’s access to their money or sabotaging their job
by not allowing them to go to work is called financial abuse. Checking someone’s phone or
sharing someone’s intimate photos are examples of digital abuse. We usually think only
women go through domestic abuse, but even men face all kinds of abuse at home and
might not talk about it openly due to societal pressures, belief systems, and
woman-oriented laws. Spiritual abuse means not allowing someone to practice their
religion or some people claiming to be religious or spiritual healers take advantage of
people’s blind faith in them.
But do you know what the worst type of abuse is? The one we inflict upon
ourselves. When we don’t exercise regularly, when we overeat, when we smoke or drink
excessively and frequently, and when we don’t take care of our bodies, we are showing our
bodies and minds the most disrespect. Only once we start prioritizing our physical and
mental health do we transfigure from self-abuse to self-love.
Any form of abuse creates a deep emotional and mental scar. If left unchecked, we
tend to make decisions that subconsciously attract more abuse in our lives. Dr Diplakshmi
guides us to understand our areas of abuse and helps release the pain, leading to a healthy
and happy individual!!!

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