Dr Diplakshmi

Psychiatric Disorders

We hear a lot about anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues on social
media and in the news these days. It’s not like these disorders weren’t present before, but
people are much more open to discussing them today. Let’s understand them better. All
individuals go through emotional and mental trauma at some point in their lives. If
suppressed, it leads to major mental illnesses. Imagine a dormant volcano. For years, it
could be inactive and not bother its surroundings, but one trigger and the lava would blast
and destroy everything within its reach.
Every person has some form of defense mechanism. A person might bury their
emotions with respect to certain aspects of his or her life as it is hurtful. If this goes on for
a long time, it could lead to depression. Everyone feels anxious occasionally, but people
who live with constant worry and fear might develop an anxiety disorder that will hamper
their day-to-day functioning. A person with OCD has repetitive thoughts wanting to
control things around them, probably stemming from some fear. There are several other
disorders like PTSD, claustrophobia, anger outbursts, and panic attacks that cause
hindrances to people’s lives. Dr Diplakshmi has treated numerous patients suffering from
various neurological disorders with modern medicine and hypnotherapy, all of whom are
now living healthy and happy lives.
Mental health issues are still considered a stigma in our society. These disorders have
multiplied since COVID and need to be addressed. Conversations about mental health are
our first step in understanding and learning about them. Let us be kind to ourselves and
one another!


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